- Technology -
The Value of Data-Driven Cleaning
Traditional cleaning approach:
Contract cleaning has traditionally followed a ‘one size fits all’ formula. Often considered one of the lowest priorities, static and a low-tech activity, in recent years cleaning contracts have come under increasing levels of price pressure. Instead of making savings through greater efficiencies, all too often lower prices have resulted in lower service standards, excessive workload and minimum wages for cleaning staff.
Low-Tech Service

The Value of Data-Driven Cleaning
Real-Time data from workers location, sensors that measure visitor traffic and refill levels is displayed in an easy-to-use web application, directing cleaning teams to where they are needed most. The result is a revolutionary boost to efficiency, quality, user satisfaction and staff engagement.
As static cleaning schedules are transformed into need-based work, the workforce can focus their time and attention on what is needed, where and when it is needed. Unnecessary tasks are eliminated and cleaning resources can be optimized, with managers being able to feel safe that no over- or under-cleaning takes place. Data-driven cleaning has been shown to reduce the number of cleaning hours by at least 20%, while improving the quality of the cleaning.

Our IoT sensors will determine when a restroom needs cleaning or a garbage can needs emptying. A certain number of people entering a bathroom will trigger a search for the nearest available cleaners, and sensors will also be tripped when trash cans get to be about three-quarters filled. Notifications will be sent to workers via smartphone, which are supplied at the beginning of each shift. Alerts will include a map, indicating exactly where workers are needed and what work is needed in each area.
Wowex sensors

Tech agnostic:
We are not bound by any specific technology, for inside buildings like WIFI, zigbee, bluetooth or outside building for LoRa, NBiot or NFC. For every solution, we look for the best fit in sensor technology and connectivity: what works best and is affordable? We are tech agnostic.

"Human sensor"
Simple button devices connected to Wowex technological platform enables facilities managers to reduce costs, predict client needs and delight users with exceptional service.
With these simple buttons devices we enable people to interacting directly to report the need for an intervention, for example, through the use of buttons on walls to signal the need to clear a kitchen, or replenish paper. The data generated by these human interventions necessarily involves direct contact from a building user with the FM team.

Push for service
So as well as significantly complementing the data available already from their silicon-based cousins, this ‘human sensor’ data gives the IoT revolution a human face.

Smart Contract:
Our cleaning service provision based on output specifications -Cleaning as a Service- by real time evidence enables us to be ready for future smart contracts based on blockchain technology.

Smart contracts have the potential to deliver greater transparency to as well as dispute-free automation of payment for services. The smart contract could then automatically bill the building user in what would essentially be a ‘cleaning-on-demand’ business model.

Request demo
Get in touch to learn more about how we can transform your business!
Tel.: +34 931 165 120
Carrer de Can Pi, 15,
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat,